Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thesis - Politics in Turkey

Turkey's President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is rising to be an authoritarian leader through limiting democracy; in addition, Erdogan's evolving character and other nationalistic factors have significantly influenced Turkey's contemporary state.


  1. Your thesis seems to be grammatically correct. I think that you should consider adding more question about history and outside influences. The essay is required to have a section on socio-historical and geo-political factors, news assessment, and a section on the what the world should be doing. Since the thesis is meant to reflect the essay that you are writing, it might be helpful to address those sections in the thesis. In addition, you may want to elaborate what the state of Turkey is when you say “ … influenced Turkey’s contemporary state,” because as someone who does not know much about Turkey, I do not know what sort of state Turkey is currently in weather it be strife, reform, or peace. Overall, you are heading in the right direction, but you may want to consider giving yourself a less limited range of effects to cover by including other factors that can be later on elaborated.

  2. The thesis is worded correctly and grammatically. One thing I might add is the historical events that led to its current state. Also how other countries view Turkey's situation (news articles).

  3. You've addressed contemporary issues/concerns but need to incorporate news analysis and recommendations for international action.


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