Thursday, November 13, 2014

HQ - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

What are the local and global effects that have been caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? How does this effect international relations?


  1. First, I would maybe change the structure of your question. Instead of "local and global effects that have been caused by the..." change it to "local and global consequences of the...". It is just a little wordy and awkward. Also, in the second question, "effect" should be changed to "affect". Other than that your grammar is fine. Your topic is specific enough to research in the allotted time. Make sure you include the political, economic, and social consequences of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. I can't wait to learn more about this issue!

  2. You may also wish to discuss the reasons that the powerful nations of the world are so easily drawn into and concerned with the conflict in this region, and what makes the locations in the Middle East have such strategic value.

  3. I agree with Liz - I think you could reword the question for clarity and focus. Specifically, condense these two questions into a single question. This will make it easier to research your topic. Although much of our international news is focusing on ebola and ISIS, recently there's been significant developments in Israeli-Palestinian politics.


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