Thursday, November 13, 2014

HQ - Russia-Ukraine Conflict

How does the current conflict reflect the history of imperialism and struggle between Russia and Ukraine? Based on historical factors, which country should have the rights to disputed land in the Ukraine, such as Crimea? 


  1. Is the questions grammatically correct? Grammatically, the question is stated perfectly, so no issue is present there. Realistically, the question can be achieved easily within the given time period, it may even be a little bit short. Now, I'm nor sure if you're only going for the historical factors for this essay, but you can definitely benefit with the effects of this conflict politically, economically, and maybe even socially since this is a popular contemporary issue with the recent news on the plane being struck with a rocket form that area. I just think since there is so much information on this developing conflict, that you are missing out on the modern details which can lead to a very interesting writing piece. Overall, the question is very well structured, and I think that it is a great decision to state which country should historically deserves this land because it sort of introduces your opinion on the mix.

  2. The question is grammatically correct. It flows nicely and is able to be understood easily. I believe that this is able to be answered in given time period without a problem. You may need to add another aspect to the question to make it a little more lengthy. I think you have addressed all aspects of the question but one. I don't know a lot about this topic, but I feel like the Soviet Union and the end of communism plays a role in how the region got to where it is today. Other than that, good question.

  3. Great questions! Although some commentators use the term "imperialism" when referring to Soviet/Russian expansion/influence, I'm not sure if it would fit the definition we've been using in class. For example, the proximity of Russia & Ukraine seems to break with the mold we've established for the "Age of Imperialism." Nonetheless, this might be considered neo-imperialism or pseudo-imperialism. Finally, make sure to include a specific reference to at least one of our course themes.


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