Friday, November 14, 2014

HQ - Strife in Libya

Which socioeconomic and political hardships in Libya contributed and continue to contribute to the current conflict? Also, how is the situation progressing and what are some possible outcomes of the terror?


  1. Are you referring to the civil war in Libya? If so, you should make this clear rather than just saying "conflict." Also, when you talk about the outcomes of the conflict, you may want to emphasize whether you mean local, global, or both. Overall, I think that this is a good question, since it is specific and can be addressed in the time and space given. Make sure to focus on both sides on the conflict in your essay response as well as its threat to the rest of the world.

  2. What is the "current conflict"? I would further expand upon this idea. I liked how you added a second part to the question so you could get into more detail explaining the topic.

  3. A thoughtful, important question. For your research, it will be helpful to focus your ideas into one complex question. Also, are you addressing terrorism by Islamic extremists or some other type of terrorism?


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